Wednesday, February 27, 2013

2 Robot Wars: Battle of Vacuuming Bots

I'm proud to introduce the first post from our newest contributor at Jamie Dixon Cider, Big Al.  For those unfamiliar with Big Al,  he is an expert in all gadgets and gizmos and is the ruler of a vast empire of car washes.  So without further ado, Big Al's first tech review...

Roomba 650

Neato XV-21

Over the past two months, I have had the chance to test out two of the most popular robot vacuums on the market:  The Roomba 650 and Neato XV-21.  Both have their differences/pros/cons and I would like to take some time to go over them.
First the Roomba 650.  I had two months of testing time with this model.  It is exciting to do your first run with a robot vacuum; I wondered if it would really work, what methods it would use to clean, and if it would return to its charging base as advertised.  I am pleased to say that the Roomba 650 exceeded my expectations.
Cosmetically, it is straight black with a few LED lights to accent it.  Its design is circular and it moves around with two wheels on the bottom.  The biggest difference between Roomba and Neato is the way the robot navigates around the room.  Roomba has a bumper and drives until it hits an object, at which point it turns and continues to vacuum the room.  Its seemingly random pattern, from what I can tell, cleans the entire room.  It typically takes several passes to do so, but that gives it a more thorough cleaning in my mind. It takes a little bit longer to clean because of this randomness, but you have the ability to schedule cleaning while you are away.  You WILL be surprised by how much this thing picks up on its first run. 
Maintenance is rather easy and straight forward.  Empty the dust bin, blow off the filter, and put it back into the robot.  You may also need to clean some hair from the brushes (which are easily removable). 
While it is cleaning, the Roomba is rather quiet.  Quiet enough to be able to watch TV while it moves around the room. 
The Roomba 650 is priced at $400.  There are other models with prices upwards of $700, but the Roomba 650 seems to be the best bang for your buck.
Next is the Neato XV-21.  I had less time with this model than the Roomba, but enough to get a good understanding of how it works.  This model promises similar features to the Roomba, and maybe even some more technology to get it done better.
It looks more retro than the Roomba (most compare is to an SNES system and that’s very accurate) and has a slightly different shape.  It is flat on the front and rounded on the back.  I was curious if this would make for a better cleaning in the corners and edges of the room, or if it would cause the robot to get stuck more. The Neato uses a laser guided system to navigate the room which is what drew me to it in the first place.  Instead of bumping around aimlessly, it is supposed to map the room and clean in a back and forth motion.
My first couple of runs were stymied by errors.  First, it said to clear its stuck brushes, which weren’t stuck at all.  My first few runs last about 10 minutes before it had to return to base to charge.  I called customer support and they said this behavior is normal until several charges, and they were right.  After those initial hiccups, I haven’t had any problems.  It is fun to watch the Neato do a perimeter sweep, and then fill in the room with back and forth motions like it actually sees where it is going.  It is also smart enough to clean one room at a time which impressed me.  It returns to its base on a straight path whereas the Roomba needed some time to find where to go.
Maintenance is exactly the same as the Roomba.  Simple and quick. All parts are removable and replaceable like the Roomba.
The Neato is louder. A lot louder.  You couldn’t watch TV while this is running because it is simply too loud.  Supposedly, a more powerful vacuum suction is the tradeoff.  I am not too sure this is the case, but it would make sense.
This model is $430.  I got it on sale for considerably less however.
In conclusion, both vacuums get the job done, just in different ways.  Roomba is rock solid with no errors and rarely ever getting stuck, while the Neato gets the job done a lot faster by following a set pattern guided by a mapping system.  If I had to pick one over the other I would pick the Neato for its efficient cleaning process, but if it continues to have errors I would gladly replace it with the Roomba for a trouble free experience.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

1 Bachelor, Season 17, Episode 10

Fantasy Suite dates episode!! I love the Puritan streak still present in so many things in America. Instead of calling these dates what they are, test drives, the idea of sex is wrapped up in some bizarre mystical label of a fantasy. People. Sex is normal and healthy. I do it. You do it. The monkeys in the zoo won't stop doing it. Get over yourselves.

The episode starts out with Sean on a boat, taking in the sights of Thailand. It looks a lot like the movie The Beach. I love it when the Bachelor or Bachelorette talks about how strongly they feel for 3 or more people, since being a polygamist is a totally normal thing. I need to start telling Siobhan that I like her, but Jessica is great too, and so is Angela.

They must have not had enough footage for this episode, or this episode is for people who don't have dvrs or the internet, avoid the supermarket, and have been in a coma for the last 3 months. A recap of his "relationship" with each woman. Booooooring. AshLee needs a good therapist before she can get a good husband. Sadly, she will be going to one for the wrong reasons after this show, assuming he ends up with idiot Lindsay. Getting dumped on national TV does wonders for your mental health. Sean has put on some weight on his journey as well.

Lindsay is the first fantasy suite date and they start sucking face basically from the get go. It's good to know they didn't cross the border on their trip to the market. Thanks ABC. I love the fiction of two lily white bread Americans wandering alone through a Thai market without a translator. Bullshit. Lindsay talks about biology class like she knows what that is. Must have overheard it during sorority rush. They have a picnic on the beach and 24 year old Lindsay talks about settling down. So just one beer bong a night.

Monkey beach can NOT be sanitary. Color me shocked that none of the simians steal Lindsay's earrings. That being said, is there anything more romantic than two primates making out in the water, while other primates scurry around them? I don't think so.

The 2nd part of the date starts with some real Thai kitsch. Lindsay wore an interesting outfit. It's shocking that Lindsay would want to leave Fort Leonard Wood for anywhere, let alone Dallas. I wish ABC would let some real talk tweets slip through. I would love to see someone call Lindsay an idiot or AshLee a control freak or Catherine something (Catherine seems pretty normal). Man. Lindsay. Master of the obvious. "Thailand is all around us". No shit Sherlock. Sean really puts Lindsay to the test, asking her to read two sentences in a row. I love when Sean calls Lindsay wonderful or unique. Lindsay is a cookie cutter sorority girl. Her winning this show is going to inspire hundreds or thousands of women to act like her to get a guy like Sean. She is an idiot's Helen of Troy. Lindsay held out and finally gives in and tells Sean she loves him. Normally I would complement her for her mastery of the game, but I don't think she is smart enough to plan that.

I wish they ended each fantasy suite date with the bleary morning after shot instead of the fade to black of the night before. It would be much more entertaining.

AshLee's date starts and he looks bored to be with her. The one highlight of the boat trip is his Titanic inspired pose on the front of the boat. Sean keeps the tradition going of frightening his dates by taking AshLee on a swim through a cave. I don't see him putting Lindsay through the ringer. Make her spell something. That will put the fear of God into her. It looks to me like he is trying to find a reason to get rid of AshLee. I love the idea that swimming in a unlit cave in Thailand is just like life is. Man. The producers are rapidly running out of ideas. They must have gotten baked and stayed up late watching cable. This is basically the plot for The Beach. AshLee is setting up for a titanic fall. I hope she finds a decent dude once Sean breaks her heart into a thousand pieces and scatters them over southern Thailand.

AshLee seems pretty smart about the whole fantasy suite, basically saying she isn't going to give it up since he in theory just banged someone the night before and will again the night after (He's a born again virgin, which is a whole different load of shit to shovel, so it doesn't apply here, but you get the idea). Ooof. If a guy tells a woman he admires her, game over. I admired Sister Liz, my 4th grade teacher for not taking my shit. AshLee and Sean talk a whole bunch of gobbledygook and nonsense, but reading between the lines, they aren't going to do anything. Ugh. You know who stays up all night and talks? Idiot high schoolers. OH NO. AshLee seals her fate with the kiss of death, talking about what kind of ring she wants. That is some shit that you do not give unprompted.

Catherine and Sean's date starts with another boat ride, this time on a junk. Man. It must have been a Leo movie marathon for those producers. Titanic and the Beach references. Maybe him and Catherine will fight, Gangs of New York Style? Catherine starts with the damage control, throwing her sisters under the bus. Sean and Catherine go scuba diving. Pro tip: don't kick giant coral with scuba fins. It tends to kill them. The dinner date begins and its allegory city, with Catherine talking about how traditional she is and intimacy. It seems patently obvious that everyone knew Sean won't have sex on the overnight date, as every date has danced around the issue.

Ahhhh. Product placement. Thanks ABC, you heartless shills. Nothing like a 5 minute commercial for Oz.

The rose ceremony starts with action shots of Sean getting dressed followed up by Chris Harrison's five minutes of work for the week. Sean goes back to the tried and true wall of portraits to decide who to choose, picking up each picture and staring into their dead eyes. The video messages come on and judging by the look on Sean's face, AshLee is going home. AshLee did not mess around, bringing the boobs out for the final ceremony. How did she not have a nip slip on that walk? Maybe she felt like she needed to make up for her over the top emotional video? Sean feels like a real dick after watching her video, realizing she has fallen hard for him and he is sending her home. Sean drops the ultimate truth bomb and sends AshLee home. AshLee storms out and for the first time in a long time she doesn't cry. Her on screen speech is borderline psychotic. Girl needs some therapy. Good work Sean. AshLee is never going to let anyone in ever again. Finally the tears come.

Well, looks like Lindsay is going to win. God. How disgusting. Girls tell all next week, so there are going to be feathers everywhere. How are they going to fill out 3 hours on the season finale? How obnoxious.

Monday, February 25, 2013

0 Random Ramblings

-I didn't watch the Oscars and don't really care what a random group of Hollywood producers, directors and other film industry people think. I have watched exactly 0 of the nominated films. This article sums up pretty well what the Oscars are all about:

- I'm growing a beard, mainly out of laziness/curiosity. I generally hate body hair, so I figured I would shake things up and see what I could do with my facial hair. I don't have any weddings or job interviews lined up any time soon, so I can afford to let myself go, at least a little bit. It's still in the itchy stage, but in a couple of days the itching will fade and it will become a downy nest of facial brambles, perfect for birds to swoop down, assault me, and fly off with material for their nest. If you think about it, it's very green of me.

- I gave up drinking and sweets for Lent. You don't realize how often you have a beer or a cocktail until you stop drinking them. I rarely go out and get smashed anymore, but I was in a nice little rut of having a beer almost every night with dinner or while watching a movie or TV show. It feels weird going out to dinner and ordering water or meeting up with friends and drinking Diet Coke. I can not imagine being single and dating without alcohol. It would be borderline impossible. Still, it feels good to exhibit a little self control. Sweets are not as big of a deal, since I usually only eat them when Siobhan buys them or cooks them.

Monday, February 18, 2013

0 Bachelor Season 17, Episode 8 recap

Hometown dates this week and we start things out in Houston with AshLee. I really hope, for her sake, that AshLee ends up with Sean. She has finally come out of her shell, and if she gets dumped she is going right back in and never coming out again. I wonder what it's like to fall into love versus falling in love. Do you think it's painful? Also, if a woman constantly compared me to her father I might get a little creeped out. Sean and AshLee's date on the grass weirded me out. AshLee was rambling about how much she cares and loves Sean, smothering him with emotions and feelings and he was not reciprocating. AshLee is really working herself up into a lather for this date. It is going to be an epic meltdown if she gets sent home. AshLee's family is so boring and when she mentions romance, things get awkward. Sean has one on ones with the parents and her parents seem really nice, especially the dad. Bruce's story about meeting AshLee cuts right to Siobhan's core and any time a dad starts crying, Siobhan turns to putty. AshLee is talking about pixie dust and the magic dust everywhere. I hope she doesn't get sent home.

Sean heads to Seattle and gets things wrong off the bat. It does not rain every day in Seattle. Sidenote: Go visit Seattle. It is worth the trip. A beautiful city with friendly people and a lot of cool neighborhoods. They head to the stereotypical Seattle spot, Pike Place Market and visit the fishmongers. Sean and Catherine have a lot more chemistry than him and AshLee, but maybe that's just because AshLee is so boring and not a risk taker. I was curious about Catherine's genes and we find out she is a Filipino. We meet Catherine's family, and man her sisters are lookers. Sean seems like a traditional person so I wonder if he is going to have some trouble relating. Oh man; Sean doing pushups with Catherine on his back is so ridiculous. Catherine's sisters ask some good questions of Catherine and she dodges and weaves and avoids answering them. Catherine's Mom doesn't give Sean her blessing. I love that a family being skeptical over a fraud relationship, where you spend maybe 15 hours over the course of 8 weeks with a person (along with a house full of other people whom you are also spending time with), is seen as a bad thing. If you ask me, that's just being realistic. Sean should embrace that kind of logical and thoughtful family. Why would you want to marry into a family full of idiots who thought reality show love was real love?

Sean says Lindsay possesses all the qualities he would look for in a wife. Some high praise right there. Lindsay loves the leg wrap. A real power move, letting Sean feel like he is in control. Watching Sean talk about Lindsay makes me want to vomit. Lindsay has that makeup caked on. It looks like she has two sets of eyes. The HD feed shows a big pimple on her cheek, which probably explains the heavy makeup. Lindsay has an advantage over Catherine and AshLee. She is way too dumb to be nervous. Sean meets Lindsay's family and dad does not look pleased. I guess I wouldn't be happy either if my daughter signed up for the Bachelor. I would be livid if some stranger came into my house and put his filthy paws on my daughter right in front of me. Sean talks to Lindsay's mom and she falls for him. Lindsay's dad seems like a pretty laid back guy for a major general in the Army. Sean gets the seal of approval and that's it for the show. He is going to end up with Lindsay. This has to be so disheartening for the women who watch this, sending all the wrong messages about what you need to do to end up with a dude like Sean, who for all his faults, is a pretty decent dude.

We come back for the last hometown date, a visit to see Desiree in L.A. She is well put together, not trying too hard and rocking the athletic outfit. Desiree is expecting her parents but a ex-boyfriend shows up and swears his love to her; payback for Sean's prank in the art store is what it looks like. I feel like a fool falling for the ABC editors bait and switch, splicing together two different clips to make one thing look like another. Desiree's family shows up and they seem like good people. Desiree's brother Nate, drops some skeptical bombs on her and pulls Sean aside to holla at him. I hope someone picked reciprocation in the word pool, cause the brother is going nuts. He probably stayed up all night practicing. Nate does bring up some good points though, about how Sean has these other women also on the hook while also talking to Desiree. The problem is, you need a less trashy version of Nate to confront Sean. Desiree's dad talking about the weather has to be the highlight of this episode; "we have 4 distinct seasons". First off, that's a lie, LA is 80 and sunny every day. Secondly, is there anything more mundane than talking about the weather? It's the ultimate sign of a futile conversation. I would rather sit in awkward silence than discuss cold fronts and cumulus clouds. Desiree's hometown date being torpedoed by her brother is setting her up nicely to be the next Bachelorette.

Shirtless Sean time, some well placed Calvin Klein product placement and Sean staring off into the sun(rise or set) starts the rose ceremony off. Sean doesn't like Catherine because she is "independent" and does not like Desiree because her brother is an angry trashy dude who knows the Bachelor is a sham. Desiree pulls Sean aside and has a breakdown, realizing she was on the verge of going home. Big time power move, trying to influence him right before the rose ceremony, showing him how much you need him. Sean walks away from the rose ceremony to stare at the framed pictures of the women. I mean, does he realize the actual live women are in the other room? Not to mention, way to build things up even more right before they come crashing down for the woman who gets sent home, dick. I like Chris Harrison's advice: "Platitude, cliche, platitude, trite saying, good luck". Sean decides that it comes down to who will he miss the most tomorrow, avoiding the more obvious idea of picking the person you like more or have interests in common with. Sean picks Catherine and sends Desiree home. I wonder if they can ship her brother off somewhere else and have her be the next Bachelorette, assuming they can pry her away from Sean after their emotional goodbye. I don't understand how women who go on the Bachelor think they will end up single. You don't get much better publicity for being a single desperate person than that.

Tomorrow is the Sean tell all special, so that could be interesting, but probably will not be. This is the first time I have actually sat down and watched every Bachelor episode start to finish and man, it is painful.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

3 Best Movies of 2005

It's been a couple weeks, but here's our Best Movies of 2005...

So there has not been a real structure for this list, but I am going to list the movies that were nominated for best picture and then list the movies that I thought were notable or could actually have qualified for best movie in 2005.

The Oscar nominated movies for best picture in 2005 were Crash, Brokeback Mountain, Munich, Capote, and Good Night and Good Luck, with Crash taking home the best picture statue. In retrospect, what was the Academy thinking? Crash is such self indulgent tripe, a punt on looking at actual racism by saying that everyone is racist. The movie leaves out an examination of one of the bigger sources of racial strife in LA, ignoring the relationship between the African American and Asian American communities. Everything in the movie is over the top. Crash is a movie by a white person (I couldn't make this shit up. The director, Paul Haggis, based it on when his Porsche was carjacked) for a bunch of other white people to watch and feel enlightened. Give me a break. Out of these movies, I would have picked Brokeback Mountain as best picture, but I only saw Crash, Brokeback Mountain, and Munich.

So with that being said, here is my list of notable or entertaining movies:

Sin City: Not a good movie, but a very entertaining movie, relying heavily on green screen technology. A brutal, violent movie and I would not suggest watching it if you have a weak stomach.

Batman Begins: The movie that re-spawned the Batman legend and cemented Christopher Nolan as a rising star, if Memento had not done so already. Well made and entertaining, Christian Bale does an excellent job portraying Bruce Wayne. Not as good as the Dark Knight, but an excellent super hero movie.

The Island: Such a great premise for a movie, but one that did not play out on the screen. Part of the problem was choosing an actress regarded (wrongly in my opinion) as a pretty face, Scarlett Johansson. You spend the whole movie looking at her in tight clothing instead of explaining the deeper issues that cloning and cloning technology brings up.  

Wedding Crashers: A great movie for it's time, much like Old School. Sadly, it has been beaten to death, and then beaten even more, also much like Old School. In another similarity to Old School, the first half is hilarious and then it falls off the comedy cliff. My hatred and distrust of all things popular lessens my appreciation of this movie.

Green Street Hooligans: A movie following soccer in England, starring Elijah Wood and also featuring Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy as well as Claire Forlani of Mall Rats fame. If you enjoy soccer, this gives an interesting fictional take on soccer hooligans, portraying them not just as thugs, but as complex human beings. The tribalism present in American sports is taken to an extreme when viewed through an English prism.

Serenity: If you are a fan of the short lived Firefly TV series, you will love this movie. Following the crew of the Serenity on their adventures, this movie explains the previously mysterious Reavers which had been one of the many overarching themes of the TV show.

Brokeback Mountain: First off, this movie is visually stunning to look at with its choice of scenery. Wyoming is both beautiful and stark. The look at the taboo relationship between two men who work together and fall in love is fascinating, especially set against the backdrop of the West, where a man was a man, full stop. This movie being set in the 60's adds another closeted layer to things. A shocker that this movie did not win best picture and my pick for best movie of 2005.
Ed F.:
As far as the 2005 Best Picture nominees… for the most part I agree with Sean’s retrospective assessment: what was the Academy thinking? I like his description of Crash as a "punt" on the actual examination of complicated race relations. Brokeback Mountain was beautifully photographed, but I didn’t find the romance between the two characters to be especially captivating (i.e. it didn’t seem to happen or evolve in an especially organic way). Good Night and Good Luck and Capote were both decent stories with commendable performances, but were ultimately forgettable, from my perspective.

I do, however, rank Munich as one of my favorite movies of ’05. The themes of retributive "justice" to terrorism and the ethical questions raised by such actions were (and remain) timely points of discussion. The fact that such ideas are explored so well in a genuinely suspenseful thriller is even more impressive. Eric Bana’s performance as Avner, an ex-Mossad operative, is brilliant as it traces the character’s arc from hesitant avenger to arguable terrorist and back again as he struggles to regain his moral and spiritual foothold. And, as always, I love Janusz Kaminski’s cinematography.

Another personal favorite of 2005: Match Point. The film’s opening monologue makes its themes of luck and chance explicit. The way Woody Allen contextualizes these ideas within the plot’s many superficial similarities to Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment is a lot of fun, even as he draws entirely different conclusions. (I was on a real Dostoevsky kick about a year ago.) It’s debatable as to whether the ending is a bit rushed, but overall, it’s my favorite Woody Allen movie (along with Annie Hall).

A History of Violence: In a fairly straightforward way, it tells the story of a small-town diner owner, played by Viggo Mortensen, whose own history of violence comes back to haunt him. Tangentially, the subplots involving his children open up a commentary about the (im)possibility of forging alternative personal identities within the context of that history. In general, the narrative moves along very quietly (odd for David Cronenberg), which makes its explosions of violence all the more effective and shocking. Ed Harris and William Hurt are great as the movie’s villains.

The New World: What can I say? I am a Terrence Malick fanboy. His films are the cinematic equivalent to poetry (not that I am especially poetry-literate), and this demythologized telling of the Pocahontas story is no exception. The way in which the movie emphasizes the strangeness of two entirely different cultures becoming acquainted is remarkable. This is achieved primarily through the visually stunning cinematography which gives equal time to the natural locations and the silent expressiveness of the accomplished actors. It’s impossible for me to say enough good things about this movie, and it’s probably not even worth trying. I’m convinced that no two people walk away from a Terrence Malick movie experiencing it in the same way.

So it seems I’ve selected four favorites from 2005… I’ll leave it at that.
Going third in these discussions always means there isn't much left to say. 

Here are some random quick hitting thoughts:
1.  Brokeback Mountain and Munich are my picks for the two best movies of 2005.
2.  Crash is Crash.
3. Brokeback Mountain's cinematography is amazing.
4. really liked A History of Violence, a movie filled with great performances. 
5.  Munich is a great film that is underrated. 
6.  For some strange reason, I like War of the Worlds a little bit more every time I happen to catch part of it on TV.  
7. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang with Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jr. is a fun little movie worth watching.

And here is a little longer thought. When looking over the movies from 2005, I saw that the best of the Star Wars prequels, Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith was released.  I thought that it would be weird if the two Star Wars prequels released during our movie review of the 2000s were never even mentioned.  I think the whole problem with the prequels was George Lucas.  George Lucas directed Star Wars in 1977 and didn't direct another movie until the Phantom Menace in 1999.  In that same amount of time David Lynch directed 5 movies and Twin Peaks, Scorsese directed 10 movies and Spielberg directed 14 movies.  I don't understand how George Lucas thought he could take all of that time off from directing and think he would actually make a really good movie.  If I stopped being a lawyer for 20 years1 but then returned as a lawyer in a huge murder trial, then I'm pretty sure that I would do a horrible job, my client would be going to jail and I'd be getting sued for malpractice.  It's not a coincidence that the prequels got better as George Lucas got back into the swing of directing.  In fact, Revenge of the Sith is a pretty good movie on it's own.(2)  As they say, practice always makes perfect. 
1 Some would argue I haven't started being a lawyer.
2 I have high hopes for the recently announced Star Wars sequel sequels. *cough* J.J. Abrams *cough*

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

3 Bachelor Season 17, Episode 7 Recap

Episode 7 starts with some great aerial shots of St Croix. I love Sean talking about being a "rule breaker". He is such a sissy. Nice subtle product placement for the Buccaneer Hotel. Tierra keeps the anti-social thing going on, setting up her own personal room. She always looks like one of those bitter beer face commercials whenever she is around the other women. Tierra brings out some ageist remarks against Ashlee which are NOT going to play well at the reunion show. The date starts out with a swim to the catamaran and upon getting a closer look at AshLee she appears to have gone under the knife. AshLee is a crier. Her and Sean have a heart to heart that ends with them laying in the surf making out. NOT as fun as it sounds. You get sand in your crotch.

Do you think they have to use special camera angles to cover up erections? Just a thought.

Back at the ranch, Tierra gets her first one on one date and proceeds to bitch and moan about it. Lesley is setting herself up nicely for the next Bachelorette, calling it like she sees it: "I hate that bitch". Also, where is the white wine for their dinner? They are on a island, and you know fish is going to be on the menu. Just mystifying that he would only offer red wine or champagne. AshLee builds up to drop a bomb on Sean, and the bomb is she got married 15 years before (1997/8 if anyone is counting). You think their first dance was to Usher or Next? I can't think of a much more romantic wedding song than "Nice and Slow", unless it's "Too Close". AshLee must have been channeling the College of Cardinals when she acclaimed her love for Sean.

Sean and Tierra have their one on one date, a walkabout of St. Croix. The producers must have cut out all of her previous date whining, cause she comes off like a huge baby. An impromptu parade shows up out of nowhere and Sean is looking to replace the legendary Jake Pavelka when it comes to dancing. Tierra has put on her happy face, basically confirming our suspicions that she is bi-polar, blaming the girls because they don't like her. At dinner, Tierra tries to force Sean's hand and say he was acting distant, but he does not bite.

Catherine, Desiree, and Lindsey have the 3rd date with Sean and I was half expecting Lindsey to mangle the word horizon. Every time she talks it is high comedy.
Sean shows up at the house early in the morning with a camera, trying to see what they look like without makeup. Much respect from one Sean to another: most of your life you aren't going to see your wife wearing makeup. A good idea to do this before you propose.

More Jeep product placement. He is such a Jeep dude. I love the Bachelor. Nothing like watching the sunrise and drinking a mimosa!! Alcohol makes everything better. Smart of the producers to encourage Sean drinking and driving as well. That must have been a shitty road trip. St Croix is 30 miles long. More drinking at the cafe and then a trip to the tree house. Desiree was probably thinking about moving in. Beach time means some running in the sand and shirt off. Sean's physique has taken a toll from all of the drinking and eating and his six pack is slowly vanishing. A taste of things to come, ladies. Catherine drops another stunner on Sean on the date, talking about her father. She has had quite the traumatic life, and Sean is going to eat it up.
Desiree gets some alone time with Sean and she can not hold the tears back. Girls are bringing out their big guns. Sean throws a curve ball and gives the rose to Lindsay. Did anyone see that coming? I mean, really? The other girls cry and his response is to kick sand in their faces. If he picks Lindsay, I give up. Shelley was right; look upon my works and despair.

Lesley is telling it straight and if she doesn't end up with Sean, I would hope she is going to be the next Bachelorette, but she is way too smart for that I think. Lesley can't seem to spit it out what she has to say to Sean and you have to wonder if that's going to come back and bite her in the ass. Fruit picking appears to be the extent of the date and there is no dinner. How bizarre. Sean's sister shows up and dispenses some hard truths. Shay brings out the lesson learned from the Courtney incident: don't end up with a girl that nobody likes.

Back at the ranch, the looming showdown between Tierra and AshLee explodes. AshLee does not back down from Tierra and Tierra pulls out the age card. Tierra is ridiculous; "men love me". I can not wait for the reunion show. Tierra drops some unintentional comedy, talking about how she can't control her eyebrow. Sean walks in right after the battle royale has ended, and Tierra is BALLIN' out of control. She lays the guilt trip on thick, flat out lying about not confronting others and not getting emotional. It must have been opposite day on St Croix. Sean talks about how much he cares about Tierra and then says she should go home now. Good riddance to bad rubbish. His sister would have given her the boot anyways. Sean is taking this Bachelor shit way too serious. This show is a stepping board to The Bachelor Pad, being on the sidebar of US Weekly and D list celebrity status. You aren't supposed to actually marry the person you end up with. Tierra talks about being strong and getting through it. This will not end well, if you remember her freak out when she found out it was Sean. In 6 months she'll be sending him DM's on Twitter and trying to grow him in a lab from saliva she saved. Also, do you think sparkle means virginity? Or at least anal virginity?

The final cocktail party begins with Sean telling the women that Tierra went home and that the cocktail party is cancelled. Alcohol budget must have been spiraling out of control. Chris Harrison finally makes his appearance, announcing what we already know that someone is going home. Des gets the first rose. No surprise. Catherine gets the next rose and Chris Harrison, master of the obvious, comes out to tell us this is the last rose. AshLee in a little bit of a shocker gets the final rose. Lesley and Sean just were not clicking on their date and she did not open up to him on their date, but I feel like she was finally opening up to being on the show and liked it.

Next week looks awesome, where we finally get an aggressive sibling who calls out the whole bachelor farce for what it is. Big time. My early predictions: AshLee wins the show; Sean won't be able to deal with Catherine not having a dad around and having to ask women for permission. He is way too old fashioned for that. Desiree's brother flipping out is going to make him sour on her, and Lindsay's army dad is going to shoot shit straight, explaining how they dropped her on her head as a child and she has never been the same since. I mean, her dad runs an army base and the best job she can get is a substitute teacher on this base? Something stinks. So basically, by default, AshLee has to be the front-runner

0 Ask Marty and Sean, Volume:1

Ask Marty & Sean Anything Vol: 1.

You asked and we answered.

How many more wins does Pitt have in the 2007 season with LeSean McCoy and Joe Flacco playing together?


Sean: Great question. You have to go back and look at the actual games during the 2007 season (I am assuming you mean the season that ended in the epic 13-9 game) to get a feel for how things actually would have gone down. You also have to look at Flacco’s stats for Delaware during the same time and attempt to make a rough translation, based on the teams and level of competition he was playing against. The starting QB on this Pitt team for the majority of the season was a highly regarded (at the time) true freshman named Pat Bostick who took over after Bill Stull (14 of 20 for 177 yards with a touchdown) got injured in a opening day win against Eastern Michigan and Kevan Smith proved ineffective at best and miserable at worst, playing in five games, starting three and finishing the season with a final stat line of attempting 64 passes with 36 completions, for 415 yards with one touchdown and 4 interceptions. Bostick in his 2007 season threw for 1500 yards, completing 155 of 252 passes for a 61.5 percent completion rate, with 8 touchdowns and 13 interceptions in 10 games, 8 of them being starts.Flacco in his 2007 season at Delaware played in 15 games, winning 11 of them and losing 4. He attempted 521 passes, completing 331 for a 63.5 percent completion rate for 4263 yards, with 23 touchdowns and 5 interceptions.  

 The aggregate Pitt quarterbacks stats line looks like this: 205 completions on 336 attempts for  2092 yards, with 10 touchdowns and 17 interceptions. So Flacco throws the ball 200 more times than the combined Pittsburgh quarterbacks for twice as many yards, two and a half times as many touchdowns and 12 fewer interceptions, which is even more staggering with his number of attempts. However, Flacco’s schedule also must be examined, as his level of competition was not the same since he was not playing a D1 schedule. Flacco’s Delaware team actually played the same Appalachian State that went into the Big House and beat Michigan, getting throttled 49-21 in their last game of the season. That loss notwithstanding, Flacco’s team played 7 ranked D-1AA teams, beating five of them with one of the two losses coming in quintuple overtime and the other a five point loss. Flacco would clearly  have been an upgrade over any of the Pitt quarterbacks.    
You then have to look at the Pitt games where a Flacco would have made the difference. Pitt won 5 games, beating Grambling, Eastern Michigan, Cincinnati, Syracuse and West Virginia. There were 5 games they lost where the margin of victory was within 10 points: Michigan State, Louisville, Rutgers, Navy and South Florida (USF was 11 points, but are we going to split hairs?). I think if you subtract Bostick and add Flacco, those 5 games are all wins. The other two games were UConn and UVa, where Pitt was blown out so it’s hard to extrapolate for those games. So by my rough math, Flacco would have made that Pitt team a 10-2 team, with them winning the Big East and earning the BCS bid.

Marty: At first, I would have scoffed at such a question because I’m drunk on Flacco hateraid, but you can’t deny Flacco would have been a huge upgrade over Pitt’s QBs that season.  Sean gave you all the stats, but I watched every one of those dreadful games that year and I can guarantee you that the team would have been a lot better.  I have no idea how that team even won 5 games with such bad QB play.  The QB play that year was much worse than even the stats show.  The QB play was soooo bad that Wanny felt it was necessary to start the game against Virginia with an onside kick.  I mean seriously, who starts a game with an onside kick?  The game was 27-0 before Pat Bostick even attempted a pass.  So Wanny had such little faith in Bostick that he ran the ball on other drives when Pitt was down double digit points.  Nonetheless, that year concluded with the epic 13-9 win over WVU, which showed the team in fact had some potential.  Here are Shady’s stats from that game: 38 carries for 148 yards and 1 catch for 10 yards.  The rest of the Pitt team had 10 yards rushing and 57 yards receiving.  That his how bad the rest of the offense was all year.  Teams dared Pitt to run the  ball and Wanny obliged.  It didn’t matter because Shady ran for 1328 yards that year.  The next year, my perfect season where I attended every game minus the horrible bowl game, Pitt was a much improved 9-4 because the QB play improved from dreadful to mediocre with Billy Stull.  Shady once again ran wild over teams.  I think if you give that 2007 Pitt team a pretty good Flacco, as pointed out in the stats by Sean, Shady has a monster year, Pitt goes undefeated until playing WVU at the end of the year with a shot at the BCS championship on the line. Wanny proceeds to choke, mismanages all of his timeouts and time runs out right before Pitt has a chance to kick the game winning FG.  Pitt then ends up in a substandard bowl game because the Big East had horrible bowl tie-ins, then gets blown out because the team doesn’t care at all being so close to the title game.  The team ends up a heartbreaking 11-2.  Bottom line, no matter what it always sucks being a Pitt fan.  

I would like to hear your opinions on valentines day. Do you think it's all commercialized or is there some legitimacy to it? What should a guy look to get his gal if in a new relationship, or in a longer relationship? Is this an appropriate night to finally request anal?
Inquisitively yours,


Sean: Valentine’s day is a Hallmark holiday, foisted upon men by society and Madison Avenue, desperate for us to go out and buy the latest and newest gadget/piece of jewelry. I just recently heard about the concept of a push gift, a present for your spouse or baby momma for giving birth to your child. How about the satisfaction of a job well done as your reward? However, that all being said, unless you want to be single and alone forever or have a special lady friend (SLF) who doesn’t care about Valentines day and means it (bullshit), you have to do something. The fact that women have been brainwashed into thinking this makes it basically unavoidable. Obviously it depends on the woman, but I think the money move is to go with something personal or heartfelt, ideally something handmade. If you have an inkling what type of food your SLF likes, cook her a homemade meal. You will save mucho money because any half decent restaurant will have a Valentine’s day prix fixe menu (thanks, Obama) to rob you of your hard earned dollars, making wine and appetizer purchases obligatory. If you eat at home, you can buy a bottle of wine at the store and all of the ingredients as well. Then, depending on how long you have been courting, get her a nice bouquet of flowers with a handmade card talking about how much you enjoy spending time with her (love, if that’s where you are). What’s more heartfelt than a home cooked meal that you slaved over the stove on along with flowers, a nice bottle of wine or two and a handwritten card? Nothing.

Marty brings up a great point which for some inexplicable reason people never take advantage of. Valentine’s day has to be the easiest night of the year to go out and find some strange. Any woman out at the bar is either feeling sorry for herself that she is alone OR is thinking the exact same thing you are.  
I don’t understand the allure of anal but that’s just me. If you always wanted to try it, it’s a perfect night to suggest “taking your relationship to the next level”.

Marty: Sounds like someone is pretty bitter about Valentine’s Day. Instead of being critical and hating the day, you take full advantage of the opportunities that it provides you.  First, if you are single, then Valentine’s Day is absolute goldmine for you.  A single guy’s dream is a bar filled with desperate single women who are drowning their sorrows and looking for any excuse to make a mistake that night to make them feel better about themselves.  Guess what?  That is exactly what occurs on Valentine’s Day. If a woman is out getting drunk at a bar on Valentine’s day, then chances are she is out looking to get it in.  A classier, smarter, less desperate woman is wise enough to completely avoid hitting up the bars on Valentine’s day and instead will do something productive like hot yoga or some other woman exercise nonsense.  

Second, if you are in a relationship, then this is the perfect time to under promise and over deliver, because when it comes to giving gifts, if you have been dating for a week or for years you still have to do something, even if the following is said: “Oh, I don’t like Valentine’s day we shouldn’t do anything special or anything.”   So when that’s said your response should be:  “Yes, great idea let’s just hang out and do nothing.”  Now instead of listening completely, go look up a recipe for a meal, buy all the ingredients, a bottle of wine, a card and small gift like some flowers (nothing too crazy like 10 dozens of roses).  Now when she arrives at your apartment or house to do nothing, she is pleasantly surprised that you went through all this effort.  You now get tons of bonus points and she thinks how romantic and awesome you are, which never goes unpaid.
Side note, when you are having your first Valentine’s Day in a relationship, you need to make sure to not go way over-the-top.  This is not the time for buying really expensive jewelry, because you will need to top or at least equal your effort every year.  This is the time for establishing low expectations.  To do this just give a rant like Sean’s about how Vday is such a Hallmark commercial holiday and how lame it is to go over-the-top and mindlessly spend just because Hallmark tells you to.  
The appropriateness of asking for anal corresponds directly with the level of the gift.  It is a corollary theory to the crazy-hot scale.  If you are giving your woman carwash passes because you are a carwash mogul, then you might not want to ask for it.  However, if you giving your woman some bling or something valued over $100 then it doesn’t hurt to ask.  Just make sure to use Sean’s phrase of taking the relationship to the next level.  Make it about the relationship and not yourself and you should be golden.    

In the spirit of valentine's day, do guys like it when their girlfriends try to romance them? If so, what's romantic gesture that a guy would appreciate?

Marty’s roommate

Sean: This is a tough question. I think most guys don’t like a big deal being made about Valentine’s day, but I think a girlfriend can do a great job if she gets him a small token of affection or something that is symbolic or means something to the guy. For example, a nice bottle of booze or a 6-pack of beer that the guy likes but he would never go out and actually buy. That way, there is no feeling of guilt for the girl if the guy gets her diamond earrings but it also creates a sense of equality so Valentine’s day doesn’t feel like a holiday made up by an evil cartel of diamond merchants (which it is). It comes off more like a more romantic Christmas with an exchange of gifts and a nice meal of food.  

Marty: Sean is spot on.  I mean really most guys don’t expect anything.  Something small, even just a card, is all you need.  I think something small and thoughtful is the perfect way to show that you care and pay attention.  Although, Sean and I are very simple dudes when it comes down to it.  So if your guy is really high maintenance or really into expensive gifts, then the advice does not apply and you should probably dump that guy.  

What is the best 80’s action movie?
the Chief

Marty:  Such an awesome question.  So awesome that I think that it requires a much more indepth discussion.  I think we will need to bust out a March Madness, 64-team bracket showdown in the future.  But two of my top 80’s action movies are Die Hard and First Blood.  Die Hard is Die Hard.  A legit all time classic.  And First Blood is so ridiculous.  Special shout out to Over The Top.  Only the 80’s would have Sly Stallone arm wrestling for the ability to keep his son.

Sean: Man. This is a great question. I could easily spend 5,000 words breaking down all the possible contenders, and not even scratch the surface. But I don’t have that kind of time. It boils down to two movies for me that came out within a year of each other: Predator and Die Hard. You have over the top action, incredible one liners and memorable scenes (like Carl Weathers and Arnold having a flex off hand shake). I mean, think of all the gems that have came out of these two movies. “Kill me, I’m here”, “Stick Around”, “You’re one ugly motherfucker”, “If it bleeds we can kill it”, “Now I have a machine gun, ho, ho ho”, “Yippeee ki yay motherfucker”, “Now I know what a tv dinner feels like”, “welcome to the party, pal”, and you can think of so many more. Now you could easily pull out Running Man, Commando, Cobra, Terminator, First Blood, Tango and Cash, Lethal Weapon, Road House and that is just off the top of my head, but I think Predator and Die Hard would probably tie for me for the best.

With the pope announcing his surprise retirement, do you think I could become the first black pope.  I’m always looking to add “first black fill-in-the-blank” achievements to my resume.  And if not me who else?

Barry O’Bama

Sean: Ha! People forget that most of the College of Cardinals of the Catholic church are Italian. Do you know what Italians call black people? Melanzana or Moulinyan. It means eggplant. So good luck with that one, Barry, but it’s probably going to be one of the front runners. I’m a Catholic but I don’t practice or go to church so I have no idea who they would be. I would imagine it will be someone who has no problem looking the other way and covering up for pedophiles. It’s a shame Joe Paterno died. He would have been perfect. Oh well, it will be hard to top the current pope, what with his ties to the Nazis. 

Marty: Barry, you might want to throw your hat in the ring.  Although aren’t you a secret muslim intent on spreading communism?  Last I checked communism wasn’t really a very Catholic idea.  Although seriously, my best guess for the first black pope would be Dennis Haysbert, the president from 24.    He already paved the way for you, Barry, to be the first black president of the US.  Why not him for pope?  It is a perfect fit.  Basically, Dennis Haysbert is a racial trailblazer.  He needs his own day in February.  By the way Jobu needs his own day too.  I don’t think Dennis Haysbert gets anywhere in life without Jobu.  

What’s the deal with catfishing?  It’s not a cat.  It’s not a fish.  It’s not even an animal.  Why don’t they call it a dude falling in love with another dude pretending to be a chick?  Also, what’s the deal with buildings, shouldn’t they be called builts when they are finished?

Manti Te’o

Marty: Manti, you sure sound a lot like Jerry Seinfeld.  Is Jerry trying to catfish JDC? Now that would be big time.  But really, I don’t get how anyone is catfished in the year 2013.  I watch the show and it is usually some person  from the middle of nowhere who thinks he’s dating a model.  Yeah I’m sure there are tons of models sitting on the internet looking for people in the middle of nowhere.  I mean I don’t get how don’t they think that it is beyond weird that the person they are talking to doesn’t have a cell phone with a camera, or a webcam, or a digital camera or a friend with a phone with a camera.  I think even burner cell phones have cameras nowadays.  The fact that people still fall for someone who doesn’t have pics is beyond ridiculous.
And speaking of you Manti, you were the star of the football team at ND.  Why were you even messing around with online dating?  I remember when I was in college, there were girls who would hook up with the second string punter just because he was on the football team.  College girls love football players.  You know who college girls love more than football players? Star football players.  I’m not sure what you were thinking but next time someone messages you on the internet remember no pic then you must stop talking to him.  
Your second question is much more important.  I mean seriously, why aren’t they called builts?  I’m not even smart enough to answer that question.  I guess some things in life are never meant to be known.

Sean: Well, as a proper NY hipster I don’t have cable, so I can’t watch MTV, and I had never heard of the movie before. Most catfish are bottom feeders, eating detritus and plants at the bottom of freshwater rivers and other bodies of water. They are named catfish for their cat like whiskers, which are actually called barbels... oh, what’s that? You mean getting tricked or fooled into a long distance phone relationship with thousands of phone calls and texts? You mean it is weird living in a technological age as a college student with access to communication technology (Facebook, Skype, Google video, Snapchat, cameras on cell phones) and not once even attempting an in person communication for a year and expecting people to think you weren’t either complicit or completely fucking brain dead about the whole situation? Naw, perfectly normal, dude. I mean, I could understand it happening to a kid in junior high, but wouldn’t you get a little bit suspicious after a long enough period of time?
Thanks for all the questions! We hope to do this a lot more often. So be sure to send all your questions to

Thursday, February 7, 2013

0 Ask Marty and Sean Anything???

What is a blog without a regular mailbag?  Nothing at all.  With that in mind, we are asking for you to submit your calls for advice, questions, stories, comments, ideas, suggestions and conspiracy theories to  All the good stuff and all the bad stuff we get we will post later in one nice and tidy post.  Seriously, we will answer anything you ask because although we are experts of nothing, we have opinions on everything.  Do you want to know where the best meal in Pittsburgh is? We got you.  Do you need dating advice? We got you.  Do you want to know what the best TV you can get for the best price? We got you.  Do you want to say how awesome our blog is? We got you.  Do you want to say how bad our blog is? We got you.  If you want to be anonymous? We got you.  Do you want to post and comment on your most recent conspiracy theory that the government is hiding the fact that we all live in a matrix? We got you.  Basically we got you for everything.   So get a typing and submit your questions and other randomness to

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

0 Bachelor Season 17, Episode 6 recap

Episode 6 starts with some picturesque scenes of the Canadian Rockies. The producers must have spent all of their budget on helicopters because we are 6 episodes in and still have not left North America. The producers must be feeling cruel, making Lindsay struggle to read the date card. Catherine gets the first date and like oh so many first dates, its a snow-bus trip to a glacier. If the homemade hand crafted furniture business falls apart, Sean can always ply his trade as a tour bus operator. Good God is he boring. Catherine "never gets cold" when she is with Sean. Apparently the first rule of thermodynamics does not apply around him. What a shitty date. Sitting outside in a snow storm. Catherine really needs to invest in a coat or some other cold weather gear. Girl is going to catch a cold. Catherine bares her soul to Sean, talking about some girl who got killed by a falling tree limb. Sounds like a Darwin Award winner if you ask me, but Sean seems to fall for it. Big deal. Catherine wouldn't last 10 minutes in New York. It wouldn't be a Saturday night without a jumper from the 59th Street bridge and I don't think she could cope.

We flash back to the hotel and get a group date card. Daniella does not get the one on one date and promises to not cry on camera, not mentioning the 5 other times she has cried on camera.

The group date begins with a canoe ride across the lake. Quick aside, Tierra looks like a gargoyle when she smiles. The producers are really on their cruel high horse, making Sarah do another challenge that involves physical activity. Pretty hard to paddle with one arm. You end up just going in circles. Lesley puts her feet up so Sean can as he says  "let me be a man back here". He is ridiculous. Dude is on some antiquated chivalry shit. The date is a polar bear challenge, and let me tell you, having done them in freezing ass Minnesota, they are awful. Selma backs out of the polar bear and that means she is going home. Acting like a princess is not going to get you Sean. They all strip down and jump in the water and all seem to not regret it until...Tierra has a breakdown. Her makeup is smearing and she looks terrible, appearing to be suffering from hypothermia. The thing with Tierra is, she is full of shit and would do anything to win. She already has somehow fallen up the stairs and allegedly gotten a concussion just to get alone time with Sean. Why would you believe her? It gets even more ridiculous when we see her with an oxygen tube in getting a foot massage while eating an Egg McMuffin.

Lindsay wants to go "all over the world" and do the polar bear challenge. Can't wait until she gets to Africa for that one.

The evening date begins with a toast and some alone time with Lesley and Sean. I like Lesley, but she is way too smart and with it for him to end up with her. Sean and Sarah have some alone time and she tries to make a lasting impression by showing him her family and saying she wants them to meet him. That's when you can see it click in his eyes that he has been leading her along and that she needs to go.

Tierra needs to do something about that rogue eyebrow. She  decides to show up to the group date. Lesley's pun about Tierra being a Tierrarist is predictably Tierrable. I think Lindsay had a stroke during her alone camera time. I also like her statement that Tierra is too young to marry Sean, even though she is the same age. Lindsay is such a sorority girl, taking Sean aside and just sucking on his face. She is shocked when her exchange of saliva doesn't result in a rose.

Sean sends Sarah home and you get the feeling this isn't the first time she has been dumped or sent home. Thanks for leading her along, dick! She bawls her eyes out and this is where Sean being so nice comes back to bite him in the ass. She actually thought she had a chance with Sean. She showed him her family pictures. And it didn't matter at all and it never did.

The one on one date is oh so typical of Sean, challenging the woman to some sort of test or feat of strength. Sean and Frank Costanza have a lot in common. Couple of things. A 400 foot hill is not a mountain. And rappelling is probably one of the easier things you can do when it comes to rock climbing, especially when ABC would end up with egg on their face if something actually happened.  Sean climbs a tree like a ring tailed lemur and Desiree follows him up where they start making out. Perfectly natural. Desiree opens up to Sean about being dirt poor and man does it feel awkward. Desiree talks about living in a tent and a trailer and going to school with kids who lived in multi-million dollar houses (that is a crazy school district) while hanging out in a tepee. I guess the producers wanted her to feel at home.

The rose ceremony cocktail party kicks off and Selma has brought her A (it looks more like a big C or small D) game.  I wonder if getting breast implants is a big shame to her family as well? Lindsay is dumber than a bag of hammers. Every time she opens her mouth I think less and less of her, if such a thing is possible. She is pulling out all the moves she learned at the Sigma Tau Delta mixer. AshLee pulls out a little kink and gives Sean a blindfold which is supposed to signify that he can take control. Sean pulls out the ultimate Sean move and picks up AshLee, to show her how strong and manly he can be.

The rose ceremony begins and Chris Harrison makes his appearance, explaining the rules that any idiot who can add and subtract could figure out. Sean sends home Daniella and Selma. Daniella was never not a drunken mess so that is to be expected. Daniella is THAT drunk girl at the bar, spilling her purse all over and losing her keys and talking just a little bit too loud. Selma stepped up her game towards the end but it was too little, too late for her. They head towards the Virgin Islands next week so it means Sean shirtless nonstop.

I wonder if Emily watches this and kicks herself for not picking Sean? He was exactly what she was looking for.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

0 Bachelor Season 17, Episode 5 recap

So for some reason (money/ratings) there was enough footage for this week to split it into two episodes, one which aired Monday and one on Tuesday. So we're calling this one episode 5. It's a Bachelor Event!!
This episode starts out with the ladies packing their bags, leaving on a jet plane and heading to Montana. Inexplicably, bagpipes are playing during the video intro. Somehow, Montana is one of Sean's favorite places within a day of being there.

The first date is with Lindsay, who lets out a couple tears. Man. She sounds like she is brain-dead. She has to be on the short list of dumbest girls ever on the Bachelor, which is no mean claim. Her first question asks the obvious "Is that a helicopter?". What else could it be, you dipshit? Naturally, what would a bachelor date be without the customary helicopter. Mere mortals have to be transported by car or subway, but on the Bachelor, the helicopter is your chariot of choice. I like Sean's statement that Lindsay is "outdoorsy" because she can:
A: start a fire with two sticks?
B: gut a fish, or
C: sit on the ground outside?
Listening to Lindsay talk, I can see why Sean likes her so much. He must feel like an intellectual powerhouse.

Back at the ranch, Sean (or more likely the producers) has set up a show down between Jackie and Tierra for the group date. Another random ass concert, but I feel like White Fish, Montana is the kind of place to eat this shit up. Lindsay is playing Sean like a fiddle, and I don't think she even knows what she is doing. She has to be one of the better underdogs in Bachelor history. I am calling it now, she is going to end up in the final 3. From a crazy broad in a bridal dress to the final 3. Who would have predicted that after the first episode?

The group date begins with an obstacle course. It seems a wee bit cruel that they keep on making Sarah do these physical challenges. I mean, is she going to milk the goat or saw the wood? Chris Harrison confirms his role as the new Carson Daly, droning through the excruciatingly boring play by play. It does not bode well that they spend this entire episode foreshadowing the next episode. Sean invites the blue team back out and cheers the red team with what appears to be a gin and tonic. Color me shocked. I felt like he would be the beer type.  Tierra announces her plans to crash the party. This should turn out well. Selma breaks out the third person speech AND the boobs. Power move time.

Tierra creeps up Buffalo Bill style and "surprises" Sean. He looks like a size 14.  Robyn has apparently been crying and does not talk with him one on one. That probably means she is going home. Well, she had a good run and the Bachelor can avoid a lawsuit hopefully for the foreseeable future.

Sean grabs Desiree and steals her away and AshLee interrupts. She has a soul connection with Sean, but you can tell she spends 2 hours a day pinning cleaning supplies and bleach on Pinterest.
The date card for the double date shows up and Lindsay molder of youth, struggles to read the 4th grade style rhyming couplet. Catherine lets Sean pick her up, which is well played by her. Let him feel in control and let him feel like a man. Daniella needs to stop drinking wine, as she is an emotional drunken mess on every episode. It turned out well for this episode, but it won't last.

The double date begins and we see Tierra is an awful person and is so so so obnoxious. She wants to be Courtney but she comes off as Regina George from Mean Girls, an immature self centered brat. Her and Jackie ride to the date in silence. This is going to be very interesting if Sean ends up with Tierra because he is a person who really values genuine behavior and Tierra is far from genuine. She has this fake ass plastic smile. Jackie takes the Kacie B approach, trying to sell out Tierra, so we can see how this is going to end. Tierra should worry about a heart attack or other serious coronary disease with that big heart. She brings out the big guns though, talking about some dead junkie she used to bang, playing to Sean's emotions.

Tierra wins the rose and fireworks go off. Apparently the producers were trying to crush the heart of whichever girl got sent home. The final rose ceremony begins with 25 minutes left, so you know shit is going to go down. Desiree brought some cleavage and legs to this party. Smart choice.  Desiree actually brings up a good point. Sean basically says the same thing to every girl so how would you know that he feels differently about you? Robyn goes to confront Tierra and she proves her trashy bonafides, cussing left and right. Sean walks by and hears Tierra be a bitch and unwisely pulls her aside to get her side of the story. I wonder what she is going to say. She pulls out the Shaggy defense, claiming it wasn't her, but the girls who turned on her. She is such a tramp, wearing almost nothing at all times. Leave something for the honeymoon. Tierra is throwing shade with her looks all night at the rose ceremony. I will miss her when she does get sent home though. It will class things up and make them infinitely less boring.

Sean throws a shit fit to Chris Harrison because things aren't going perfectly after going so well last week. Well Sean, I got news for you from another Sean. Relationships aren't all helicopter rides over the Rockies and glamorous shopping on Rodeo Drive. You are going to have your ups and downs. If you can't deal with that and you want to run away, you probably shouldn't be going on a televised dating show. This is why the Bachelor is such bullshit. It is so divorced from reality. People don't have to worry about their jobs and traffic and hang nails and when their dog shits on the carpet right by the door and you open the door and smear the shit all over the carpet. Robyn (or Malia Obama as Siobhan calls her) gets predictably sent home  by Sean.

Another entry coming tomorrow due to the double feature.

0 Way too Fast and way too Furious!

The best part of the Super Bowl was the debut of the Fast & Furious 6 trailer.  Quick, tangent. I'm a bit disappointed that they went with a simple name for the sequel.  There was a high standard to uphold.  Just look at the previous movies... you have The Fast and the Furious, 2 Fast 2 Furious, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, Fast & Furious and Fast Five.  Use of "and" and "&" numbers in the titles and the most creative of the bunch the omission of "the."   Seriously, such big time creativity.

Anyways, a trailer of such epic proportions deserves a breakdown...

1. Vin Diesel sure looks sad to have 100 million dollars.
2. Oh damn, the Rock. What's his name in the movies? It doesn't matter what his name is. 'Cause there is sure to be a lot of fighting and wrasslin'.
3. Wait Vin wasn't hiding? Oh man.  INTRIGUE!!!
4. Highway high jinx with the military vehicles, I'm going out on a limb and predicting some explosions.
5. Uh oh it's the chick who I thought was actually in prison in real life, who sucked on lost and who was supposed to be killed in one of the past Fast & Furious movies, I think.  I'm not sure.  They all blend together.
6. Slow bass, slow bass, slow bass... it always makes everything more dramatic.
7. Tyrese Gibson, back to give the comedic touch as he always does in his roles in action movies.
8. Machine guns and car chases. Now that is a great combo.
9. The bad guys car with a ramp or something, looks like it would have been a prototype for the Bat mobile. Bruce Wayne has got to be pissed.
10. Paul Walker being Paul Walker.  He brings to much to the table.  By the way if you haven't seen Running Scared you should.  It is an actually decent movie with Paul Walker.  Shocking I know.
11. Girls, girls, girls, cars, cars, cars, races, races, races, that's why dudes love these movies.
12. It took almost two minutes to get the first hip-hop song in the trailer. I think they might be slacking a bit.
13. Oh the bad guy doesn't like the good guys code.  I've never heard that before.  This bad guy must have aced his online bad guy college classes.  He must be stealing in order to pay back his loans he took out.  Now that is some heavy motivation.  Man those online colleges are scams.
14. Man getting shot by the ex-gf who you thought was dead. That's cold blooded.
15. Oh you just knew their had to be some girl-on-girl fighting. Broads can never get along.  
16.  I take back the slacking part, 'cause now there is a tank. A tank that can race cars and blow shit up.  As  in the words of another great action "I've got to get me one of those."
17. Flying Rock punch? Sure why not...
18. Wait... they just took down a huge plane with cars and then Vin Diesel drives out of the flaming plane.  SMH. My mind has been officially blown.

Memorial Day cannot get here soon enough...  

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