Friday, October 26, 2012

0 First of many more...

I thought that writing a blog would be a great way to put some of my random thoughts from pen to paper or in this case from keyboard to screen.  There are always tons of ideas, rants and suggestions floating around in my brain.  So why not type them out and see how they look?

With that being said, there is a terrible frozen yogurt store or fro-yo as they called it in the early 90s.*  What can be terrible about a fro-yo store?  It is a pretty simple concept, random flavors of yogurt + toppings including candy + trendy location = win.  However, when you go into this fro-yo store they have about 3 machines working with your standard flavors and then pieces of paper that say "Ask for Raspberry," "Ask for Cake Batter," etc.   So the one day, I was in a fro-yo mood, which is common because I love fro-yo and ice cream, and I asked for Raspberry.  The worker in the store then walks into a the back and brings out a tray of pre-made fro-yo that was super frozen and no longer in the super delicious soft-serve form that fro-yo is intended to be.  Of course I still took some because I didn't want to appear rude and of course it tasted horrible.  If I had wanted some super frozen fro-yo, I would have just walked to the grocery store and gotten a sorbet.  Needless to say, I haven't been back even though it is a 5 minute walk from my place.  Now that is a fro-yo fail.

I'll be back with hopefully much more insightful posts...

*I tried to figure out if there was a way to have footnotes, but I failed, which means this will have to do.  My father was way ahead of the times in may things and fro-yo was definitely one of those things.  He was an addict of TCBY in the early 90's because it was healthier than ice cream.  Now everywhere you look there is a frozen yogurt store.


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