Friday, December 28, 2012

2 Comments, Comments, Comments

To all of our readers,

Since we currently have only one super fan who makes all of the comments, the one and only Ed. F., we at Jamie Dixon Cider feel it is necessary, in the words of the great 90's rap duo Tag Team,to say "Party on party people let me hear some noise.  There's a party over here.  A party over there. Wave your hands in the air.  Shake your derriere.  These three words when you're gettin' busy.  Whoomp there it is!"  aka in non-Tag Team-speak, MAKE COMMENTS.  Make them early, often and late.  The comments don't have to be insightful or long or valuable or even positive.  Heck, they don't even have to be in English if you are one our readers from Germany or Russia or Belarus.2 You could say "oh that post sucks how could you be so wrong" and we couldn't care less.3  But if you say we are wrong, just be ready to defend yourself in a spirited way, because who doesn't like a good argument every now and then?  Seriously though, we will appreciate any and all comments 'cause we think they can lead to good discussions to all the random nonsense we post.

DC the Brain Supreme (Marty) and my man Steve Roll'n (Sean)

Tag Team Whoomp! (There It Is) was the first CD that I ever got, way back in the early 90's.  Talk about a classic 90s one-hit-wonder.
2 Thanks to Blogger and Google for the really useful Audience Stats that show where all of our views are from.
Notice the correct use of couldn't care less.  People mess this up all the time, which drives me crazy as a pseudo grammar nerd.  If I had said we could care less, then that means that we care some and that some amount of caring could actually be reduced.


  1. Jamie Dixon Cider is the best thing that's ever happened to me.



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