Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1 The Best of the Best of the Best of 2012

Happy 2013 everyone!  With the New Year upon us, let's have a quick rewind of 2012 with a list of some of the best of 2012.1  Due to my inherent randomness, there is no rhyme or reason to the list just some things that I thought were the best of 2012.  Make sure to add some of your own personal bests by commenting at the end.

Best Films that I actually saw: tie between the Avengers and Looper, I love me some Marvel Comic heroes and I love me some time travelling nonsense.  I still haven't seen heavy hitters like Django Unchained, which means the actual best film of 2012 will probably end up changing.
Best Film that I had no business liking but ended up loving: Magic Mike, maybe it's the charm of C-Tates or the alright-alright-alrightyness of Matthew McConaughey but I thought Magic Mike was a great film that had real substance.
Best Song of 2012: Mercy by G.O.O.D. Music, although Cruel Summer was a bit of a let down, Mercy is an awesome song.  Can't go wrong with anything from the man Kanye West
Best Song by an artist that I used to hate but now I can't get enough of: Locked out of Heaven by Bruno Mars, so catchy and it reminds me of an old school Police song.  Bruno Mars was also surprisingly not horrible on SNL. Ugh.  I'm starting to like Bruno Mars.  What is wrong with me?  Make sure you pay attention to his band in the background.  They're great.
Best SNL Skit: Undecided Voters, great and timely skit for the 2012 election.
Best Party Song: Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen, this song never get's old.  Who doesn't love doing the telephone hand motions when the song is blaring.  Coming in a close second is Gang Nam Style by Psy, only second because it got older quicker in may mind.
By the way how awesome are the Roots?  They can play a song on classroom instruments and make it sound great.  Jimmy Fallon ain't so bad either.
Best Concert: Bruce Springsteen, the Boss is still going strong.  Amazing showman.  Doesn't get much better.
Best Video Game because I still act like a little kid at times: Mass Effect 3, lame ending but the journey to the end far outweighed it.  Who doesn't love fighting evil aliens in your own personal spaceship while trying to woo one of the hot members of your squad that might or might not be an alien.
Best TV show to go on a weekend Netflix binge: Revenge, the ridiculousness only gets amplified in large doses.2
Best Reality TV star: Courtney from the Bachelor, she dominated fantasy Bachelor, she was evil, she was over-the-top and she was amazing. She stole Rafael Nadal's heart and she won me fantasy Bachelor. GOAT  Bachelor contestant.  I'll miss you this season.
Best new blog: Jamie Dixon Cider, I mean could there be any other choice?
Best Wedding of the year: the Fritz's, I've been stuck in perpetual Wedding Season with all my friends constantly getting married, minus Sean of course, but the Frtiz wedding was spectacular all-around.
Best Place to stay in NYC: Sean and Siobhan's couch, you can't get better hospitality and class in the entire city.
Bestmove: Doc Hazy's move back to the Burgh, enough said.
And finally, Best 30th Birthday Party Planner: My roommate, she's the best all-around.

At first I was going to have some worsts.  But screw hating.  Haters always gonna hate.
2 See my earlier blog post about the awesomeness of Revenge.


  1. Very solid Best of 2012 list! Oh, and that roommate of yours sounds like a gem.
    Cheers! xo



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