Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1 Bachelor Season 17, week 2 recap

Well this episode starts out exactly how you would expect it. At least 3 shots of Sean shirtless, including one of him working out. You know what's gross? Working out without a shirt. It's a good way to get scabies or a staph infection. Hope they burned that bench afterwards!

 The first date is Sean picking up Sarah in a helicopter, like it's something special. The Bachelor and Bachelorette tv shows have made helicopter rides like hopping on the subway. They just keep helicopters on retainer. (Side note: I think Sarah ends every sentence mentioning her only having one arm. She's like the drummer from Def Leppard. Also, Sarah's voice is incredibly obnoxious.)

1st dates can be tricky. Do you do brunch or go get coffee or maybe take a nice stroll? Well, if you are on The Bachelor you ask the person what their biggest fear is and then ask them to go through it! It's like some bizarre Fear Factor like experiment. Hate seafood? We're going to Red Lobster! Arachnophobia  Tonight's date is at Tarantula-Town!

Day 2 starts out with some interviews and day drinking and then a photo shoot for books that 50 year old menopausal women read. Another shirt optional shot featuring Sean, including Kristy touching his abs. The whole photo shoot just ends up with Sean ripping his shirt off. I like Lesley showing her "other side" to Sean, namely her stomach and breasts. The two of them talking on the couch was like a flashback to middle school, awkward flirting, awful conversation and hesitant touching galore.

Siobhan just brought up a great point which I never really thought of. Sean is an empty husk, a pretty jeweled ornament with nothing inside. He looks good but is a self admitted awful kisser and he would be a total starfish in bed. Also, every woman on this show has had their teeth whitened. There is no way this many people all have perfectly white teeth. Tierra's outfit for the one on one date was in a word, awesome. She looked like a backup dancer for a 90's rap video.

This season of the Bachelor appears to be rooted in making every person feel afraid or awful. You know what a funny prank is? Dialing someone on the telephone and asking if their refrigerator is running. Or pantsing someone. That's funny. You know what's not a funny "prank"? Making someone think they destroyed a priceless piece of art and ruining their night. And you know what makes a good prank? Drawing it out so they really feel like an awful person. Making someone stew for 30 seconds is lame.

Robyn brings up the softball that the producers gave her because of the discrimination lawsuit that was filed against ABC and Sean hits it out of the park. He doesn't see color and dated a Persian! He even speaks a few words of Arabic. Robyn looks like Malia Obama will in about 10 years.

The rose ceremony is drama free and Sean sends home the women we never really got to know. Brooke had some potential but we never got to know her. Diana was a mom with 2 kids. She didn't stand a chance.  

All in all, an awful boring episode. This show needs to step its game up. What really isn't helping things is how cookie cutter and vanilla Sean is. What dude says they want to get married and start a family and means it? The dude comes off like Beaver Cleaver, an antiquated relic from the 50's. Way too genuine and way to earnest. Word to the wise/women. Normal dudes aren't like that.


  1. I was behind in watching the Bachelor but caught up completely last night. I really think these girls are crazier than last year. There were multiple criers in the first episode. I think Courtney's agressiveness has affected the new girls and they realize they can't sit back and look pretty. By the way, did you know that Sean and every other chick on the show is looking for their future husband and wife to be their best friend and just like their awesome parents?

    I'll save my comments about last night's episode until the next recap.



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