Wednesday, January 9, 2013

0 Bachelor Recap, Season 17, episode 1

I would imagine every episode of this season we will see a pool, a river, a lake, an ocean or a fjord which requires Sean (great name!) to take off his shirt for the television cameras. The gratuitous workout scene was just that, gratuitous. Sean (there's that name again!) used to be a college football player, so of course he's in great shape. Those of us who sit on our couch drinking beer don't need to be reminded of this.
 The producers kept the women in the house much longer this time and they fed them much more alcohol. Ashley H came off like a soft core porn star, Ashley P was a train wreck who has cat lady written all over (little tidbit about Ashley P, she comes from the same town where Eminem lives). Now I'm just a regular dude, avoiding work responsibilities and writing emails about the Bachelor, but if some woman wore a wedding dress to what is ostensibly our first date (a bizarre date where I would also be dating 25 other women), that would scream weird and desperate, not cute and quirky. Lindsay I hope you are taking notes and not more glasses of wine to drink. It blew my mind when he kept her drunk/tipsy/craziness on the show, but we often forget the important roles that producers play. We saw at least 3 black girls on the show, probably because of the lawsuit implying that the Bachelor was a 1950's era dating show with 21st century sexual mores. Tierra scares me. When she found it was Sean (Sean!!), she lost her shit, screaming and moaning and wailing about his attractiveness (but isn't that most women around Sean?). I predict she will be the fulcrum of crazy Bachelor behavior, if the previews didn't already. Diana talked about her kids, which with a dude like Sean seems like a no-go. Desiree looks much better when she doesn't smile, so she should practice doing that much more

Couple other random thoughts: Every season there is one or a couple of people where you sit there and wonder why they went on this show. They seemingly have their life together, possess an actual personality with quirks and everything and hold down a real job. Robyn is an example of this person. Why would she come on this show? She seems too good for it. Taryn seems to have some slight insecurity issues, constantly thinking she is not good enough or he isn't interested and legitimately shocked when she is given a rose. Finally, there is Sarah. Sarah's story almost unfroze my tear ducts, especially hearing her talk about dating. She is obviously armless (more like forearm and hand) and I would like to think Sean gave her a rose for the right reasons (Sean's are very upstanding individuals) and was not informed by the producers to do so in order to make him look like a better person. My cynical belief is that she, like the black girls, was kept on by the producers to show how fair and even handed things are. "Not only are there black girls, but a disabled one too!!".

All my thoughts for this episode...


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