Tuesday, January 8, 2013

1 New Year's Resolutions

It's still January so there is still time to put my resolutions down on paper or in this case posted. I figure if I actually post my resolutions, then it will be more likely that I give the resolutions a good college try.1

1.  Read the 10 Greatest books of all time.  In the past, I've set lofty literary goals such as reading every Pulitzer Prize winner in fiction. However, I've failed each time.  I think having a list of about 50 novels to read is a bit daunting.  Instead, for 2013, I'm going to read the following list of the 10 greatest books of all time according to a survey of all the top authors in the world:2
  1. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
  2. Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
  3. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
  4. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
  5. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
  6. Hamlet by William Shakespeare
  7. The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald
  8. In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
  9. The Stories of Anton Chekhov by Anton Chekhov
  10. Middlemarch by George Eliot
Expect a review of each book once I'm done.  So exciting, right?

2. Be on time more often.  I have a bad habit of trying to do too many things in too little of time, which means I'm constantly late to everything. While, I'm not yet at the level of Altman time or Siobhan time, I'm creeping up there.  This trend needs to be reversed and 2013 is the year it will happen.  Timeliness is next to godliness as they say.

3. Don't get as frustrated when driving.  The combination of bicycles,3 buses4 and horrible drivers5 are starting to take a toll on my psyche.  But should it?  No.  It's just driving.  There is no need to get fired up about it.  I think that being on time more often will help with this resolution because I'm always trying to get somewhere in 15 minutes when really it should take 20 minutes.

4. Don't lose things as often.  I probably lose my keys and/or wallet at least once a day.  In 2013, I'm going to be better organized and more mindful of where I place things.  I'm sure this will help me be on time more often because instead of looking for keys I will be actually getting to where I need to be.

Feel free to post your own resolutions.  It's great to have your resolutions in writing because it's easier to see how badly you didn't reach those resolutions.  Best of luck to all of you with your own resolutions.  I know I'll need it.

1 Look Sean, there is no resolution about being positive.  Although, I'm going to try to bring back positive Marty just for the heck of it in 2013.
2 Here is the link to the article from Time where the list is from: http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1578073,00.html
3 Hey bicyclist,  the rules of the road aren't optional.  If you are going to ride in the middle of the lane, then you better not go through stop signs or sneak up besides traffic at red lights.
4 Hey PAT bus driver, how about you don't move into my lane when I'm right besides you and how about you don't just make turns on red lights just cause you are a bus.
5 Hey Burgh driver, a sprinkle of rain shouldn't cause my commute home to be 10 more minutes and how about not coming to complete stops just cause of tunnels?


  1. Woof. Way too many Russian authors on that list. And Proust. That's a real dog. Why not pick something which interests you more? Bill Plinton is trying to read books that won the Nebula Award or were nominated for it.

    Siobhan person time has decreased significantly now that we live together, because I nag her to the point of obnoxiousness. Altman time continues unabated however.

    Spot on with driving. Not having a car has lowered my stress level considerably. And bicyclists and their holier than thou attitudes drove me crazy. "Share the road, but let us do whatever the hell we feel like on it"



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