Monday, November 5, 2012

1 The election

So the Presidential election is tomorrow if you have been living in a cave for the last 18 months. It comes down to a couple of states. This is my biggest problem with the American system. I live in New York right now. My vote does not matter in the grand presidential scheme of things. New York is a blue state and it will vote for Obama. The 29 electoral votes are his. Basically, President Obama and Private Citizen Romney (Quick segue: I hate when people are called by titles they used to have. If you are no longer coaching football, you should not be called coach. If you are a ex-senator you are not Senator Smith. The only office I could see applying it to is the Presidency, since it is such an esteemed office) have to compete over 10 or so states, and these 10 states will decide the election. That is not democracy at it's finest. The end result is catering to the interests of those 10 states demographics. Presidential candidates should have to go to Montana and North Dakota and Alabama and California and Alaska to show why they would be a great President for all 50 states. Furthermore, there should be a national holiday on election day. If the franchise truly is so important, this should be recognized. Banks should be closed, as should most branches of government. The more people who vote, the more representative democracy is.

So all that being said, here is a link to my map. I predict a Obama win by 288 Electoral votes to 250 for Romney.


  1. So I pretty much went by the numbers and gave everything that was close (with in a point or two) to Romney. Welp, I was wrong. Voter turnout was even higher than in the last election in some states, and it really was not all that close. But for the gerrymandering of house districts, it probably would have been a clean sweep for the Democrats. People forget that the Republican field of candidates was in a word, atrocious. Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachman and Newt Freaking Gingrich were all front-runners at one time or another. The heavy hitters and the candidates who stood a chance stayed out of things and for good reason. Love him or hate him, the Obama machine is a powerful one to go up against. I will be interested to see the changes in the cabinet.



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