Sunday, November 4, 2012

0 Getting old

I tweaked my back a week ago Friday. I am not sure what exactly happened, but I went to the gym on Friday and I was carrying around groceries and a new speaker system and the combination caused my back to start hurting on Friday. This was only exacerbated on Saturday by sitting on our extremely uncomfortable couch. On Sunday morning I woke up and I could barely walk. It felt like a pinched nerve in my back with pain shooting up and down the right side of my body from my lower back to my toes. It slowly got better over the course of the week, thanks to the application of a heating pad and walking around, which seemed to help things.

Things like that never used to happen to me. I never got hurt, never got injured and was never down and out for a long period of time. However, as I have aged, I notice my body slowly falling apart. I am not trying to be a naysayer or a person prophesying doom and gloom, but I wake up in the morning with a lot more aches and pains and creaking bones and joints than I used to. Playing a contact sport is pretty much out of the question at this point. I can't even imagine the misery of rehabilitation from a torn ligament. I need to save my body for when I have children so I can wrestle with them like my dad did with me. Even typing that makes me feel old.


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