Friday, April 19, 2013

0 5 for Friday, April 19th

Here's another 5 for Friday, coming straight at you from beautiful and rainy Shadyside...

1. Buying a house can really suck.  Last week, I said buying a house is expensive.  I forgot to leave out the part that it can really suck.  I learned on Wednesday that the super late appraisal didn't go well, which means I'm stuck scrambling for another mortgage.  And it also means that I might be homeless come May 1st.  Seriously, people didn't do their jobs and now I'm left in limbo and totally stressed out.  The sad part of the whole situation is that I purposely made closing in 60 days in order to avoid ever getting stressed out over having to make quick decisions.  To anyone buying a house, make sure you pester everyone, don't just assume people will do their jobs and make sure you pick a good mortgage person.  But yeah, house you better be worth it because it has really sucked buying you.

2.  Daft Punk is big time.  Daft Punk has a new single out called "Get Lucky" and it is awesome.  I haven't been able to stop listening to it since it dropped.  There is no way you can't like this song.  Daft Punk is awesome, and Pharrell, one of the coolest people out there, is awesome with the vocals.  By the way Daft Punk has not one, but TWO songs on Kanye's new album,  When asked about the songs in Rolling Stone they said Kanye was "screaming primally" and "It was very raw: he was rapping – kind of screaming primally, actually."  I have no idea what that actually means but it sounds awesome.  Time to listen to "Get Lucky" again.  Yep, Daft Punk you guys are pretty big time.

3. NBA Playoffs are back!!!  The best  playoffs in all of sports are returning this weekend and I can't wait.  Why are they the best?  Because you get to watch the highest and best basketball in the whole world.  Spare me the college basketball is better nonsense.  I'm a huge Pitt fan, but college basketball is over-coached with many inexperienced players.  NBA playoff basketball is on whole other level.  You have the best athletes in the world battling every night making big plays, hitting big shots and getting big stops.  Don't be a hater, watch and enjoy.  NBA playoffs, I can't wait to watch ya!

4.  The Senate is worthless.  A gun bill failed to pass the Senate because it was filibustered.  You gotta love the filibuster rules in the senate, 59 senators agree to a bill but the bill can't pass because a minority says no.  Completely and totally ridiculous.  And guess what you don't even have to filibuster to filibuster.  Back in the day if you wanted to filibuster you had to talk to whole time.  So if you wanted to filibuster a gun control bill you'd have to stand in front of the Senate and go on whatever rant you pleased.  Instead, Senators can just say they are going to filibuster without actually doing any real filibustering.  If you want to block a gun bill that over 80% of Americans agree with, stand up, show your face and let people really see that you are blocking the bill.  Don't just hide behind a ridiculous rule.  And Democrats in the Senate who voted against the bill, you guys are the worst.  You voted against it because you were afraid of not getting reelected.  Your job as a Senator is to do what's best for the country and not to just get reelected.  A lot of the nonsense in politics would be eliminated if there were term limits.  Ugh, DEEP BREATHS... I have to continue this rant later, it's 5 for Friday, not 4 for Friday with one really long rant.  So Senate you along with your stupid filibuster rules are completely worthless, so take your filibuster rules and shove

5. Boston Bombing.  Two guys decide to inflict horror on countless people.  Words cannot describe how horrible the bombers are.  FUCK you and anyone else who will stoop to such heinous levels.


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